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Easter-Bunny - Little Stit...
Easter-Bunny - Little Stitchers SKIP
by Kate Hadfield; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 4"w x 6.3"h; Ice Blue Aida; 14ct

Easter-Chick - Little Stit...
Easter-Chick - Little Stitchers SKIP
by Kate Hadfield; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 6"w x 7"h; Light Green Aida; 8ct

Easter-Egg - Little Stitch...
Easter-Egg - Little Stitchers HOP
by Kate Hadfield; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Also includes: Wooden stick and glue dots.; 4"w x 6"h; Canvas; 10ct

Woodland Waltz - On A Mice...
Woodland Waltz - On A Mice Adventure
by Sarah Summers; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 10.3"w x 10.3"h; Full colour printed Aida; 14ct

Meadow Moments - On A Mice...
Meadow Moments - On A Mice Adventure
by Sarah Summers; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 10.3"w x 10.3"h; Full colour printed Aida; 14ct

A Country Estate: Greenhou...
A Country Estate: Greenhouse - A Country Estate
by Sally Swannell; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 10.3"w x 10.3"h; Ice Blue Aida; 16ct

Walk On The Wild Side - Sh...
Walk On The Wild Side - Shoe Art
by Sally King; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 11"w x 8.7"h; White Aida; 14ct

Balance - The Menagerie ...
Balance - The Menagerie
by Rachel Froud; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 10.3"w x 10.3"h; Full colour printed Aida; 14ct

Precious Moments - Lucy Pi...
Precious Moments - Lucy Pittaway Cross Stitch
by Lucy Pittaway; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 10.3"w x 10.3"h; White Aida; 14ct

It Must Be Love - It Must ...
It Must Be Love - It Must Be...
by Karen Tye Bentley; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Also Includes: Beads, sequins and an alphabet to personalize.; 10.3"w x 8.7"h; Ice Blue Aida; 14ct

Quartz Meadow - Meadow Gem...
Quartz Meadow - Meadow Gems
by Karen Tye Bentley; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Also Includes: Topaz beads.; 10.3"w x 10.3"h; Light Sage Green Aida; 14ct

Hello Little One - Birth S...
Hello Little One - Birth Samplers
by Kate Garrett; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Also Includes: Alphabet for personalization.; 7.5"w x 10.3"h; White Aida; 14ct

Heart Of Wales - Wild At H...
Heart Of Wales - Wild At Heart
Hilary Yafai; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Also Includes: Metallic threads.; 12.6"w x 11.8"h; Ice Blue Aida; 14ct

Spreading Sunshine - Wrend...
Spreading Sunshine - Wrendale Designs
by Hannah Dale; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 10.3"w x 10.3"h; White Aida printed with speckled background; 14ct

Field Of Flowers - Wrendal...
Field Of Flowers - Wrendale Designs
by Hannah Dale; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 10.3"w x 10.3"h; White Aida printed with speckled background; 14ct

Big Bear Hugs - Cockadoodl...
Big Bear Hugs - Cockadoodle Cards
by Cockadoodle; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Includes A5 cream card, envelope and alphabet for personalization.; 4"w x 6.3"h; Antique White Aida ; 16ct

Mognificent Day - Cockadoo...
Mognificent Day - Cockadoodle Cards
by Cockadoodle; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Includes A5 cream card, envelope and alphabet for personalization.; 4"w x 6.3"h; Antique White Aida ; 16ct

Help The Bees by Aman...
Help The Bees
by Amanda Loverseed; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 10.3"w x 15"h; Blue Aida ; 14ct

One Leaf Or Two? by A...
One Leaf Or Two?
by Anita Jeram; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
; 7.5"w x 5.5"h; Cream Aida ; 14ct

Hearts & Hugs - Lucy Pitta...
Hearts & Hugs - Lucy Pittaway Tapestry
by Lucy Pittaway; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Includes: Appletons 100% pure English tapestry wools.
Backing kit NOT included.; 14"w x 14"h; Full colour printed interlock canvas; 10ct

Toxic Hemlock - Forbidden ...
Toxic Hemlock - Forbidden Botanicals - Woolen Tapestry
by April Mawhinney; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Includes: Appletons 100% pure English tapestry wools.
Backing kit NOT included.; 14"w x 14"h; Full colour printed interlock canvas; 12ct

All You Need - Embroidery ...
All You Need - Embroidery
by Cassandra Riley; Bothy Threads; Kit includes: Fabric, threads, needle, clear chart and instructions.
Includes: Beads, metallic threads, and a piece of backing calico.; 9.5"w x 9.5"h; Colour Printed Calico

New Home (3 pk) - Greeting...
New Home (3 pk) - Greeting Cards
by Kristen Roche; Heritage Crafts; Kit includes: Fabric, floss, needle, chart and instructions.

Includes: 3 Cards, 3 Envelopes.

ONLY available as kit.

Aperture Size: 3.25x 3.25 ; 5.75" x 5.75"; White; 14ct

Congratulations (3 pk) - G...
Congratulations (3 pk) - Greeting Cards
by Kristen Roche; Heritage Crafts; Kit includes: Fabric, floss, needle, chart and instructions.

Includes: 3 Cards, 3 Envelopes.

ONLY available as kit.

Aperture Size: 3.25x 3.25 ; 5.75" x 5.75"; White; 14ct

Highland Love (3 pk) - Gre...
Highland Love (3 pk) - Greeting Cards
by Kristen Roche; Heritage Crafts; Kit includes: Fabric, floss, needle, chart and instructions.

Includes: 3 Cards, 3 Envelopes.

ONLY available as kit.

Aperture Size: 3.25x 3.25 ; 5.75" x 5.75"; White; 14ct

Gonk Flowers Coaster ...
Gonk Flowers Coaster
by Kristen Roche; Heritage Crafts; Kit includes: Fabric, floss, needle, chart and instructions.

Sparkly Sequins & Coaster INCLUDED.

ONLY available as kit. ; 3.75" x 3.75"; Aida; 14ct

Gonk Cupcake Coaster ...
Gonk Cupcake Coaster
by Kristen Roche; Heritage Crafts; Kit includes: Fabric, floss, needle, chart and instructions.

Sparkly Sequins & Coaster INCLUDED.

ONLY available as kit. ; 3.75" x 3.75"; Aida; 14ct

Gonk Ladybird Coaster ...
Gonk Ladybird Coaster
by Kristen Roche; Heritage Crafts; Kit includes: Fabric, floss, needle, chart and instructions.

Sparkly Sequins & Coaster INCLUDED.

ONLY available as kit. ; 3.75" x 3.75"; Aida; 14ct

Gonk Bee Coaster by K...
Gonk Bee Coaster
by Kristen Roche; Heritage Crafts; Kit includes: Fabric, floss, needle, chart and instructions.

Sparkly Sequins & Coaster INCLUDED.

ONLY available as kit. ; 3.75" x 3.75"; Aida; 14ct

Flowering Flamingos (2025)
Flowering Flamingos (2025); Mill Hill; Laurel Burch; 2025; Beads, 18ct Misty Lime perf paper, floss, needle, chart and instructions.
6" x 6" Mill Hill frame GBFRM2 sold separately
; 6" x 6"

Fuchsia Mares (2025)
Fuchsia Mares (2025); Mill Hill; Laurel Burch; 2025; Beads, 18ct Misty Lime perf paper, floss, needle, chart and instructions.
6" x 6" Mill Hill frame GBFRM2 sold separately
; 6" x 6"

Heartfelt Dogs (2025)
Heartfelt Dogs (2025); Mill Hill; Laurel Burch; 2025; Beads, 18ct Misty Lime perf paper, floss, needle, chart and instructions.
6" x 6" Mill Hill frame GBFRM2 sold separately
; 6" x 6"

Moonside Cat (2025)
Moonside Cat (2025); Mill Hill; Laurel Burch; 2025; Beads, 18ct Misty Lime perf paper, floss, needle, chart and instructions.
6" x 6" Mill Hill frame GBFRM2 sold separately
; 5" x 5"

Garden Friends
Garden Friends; Merejka; Fabric, Threads, John James Needle and Chart w/ Instructions

; 8.2"w x 9.6"h; Ecru Aida; 16ct

Counting From 1 To 10
Counting From 1 To 10; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
Includes: alphabet.; 19.2"w x 19.2"h; White Aida; 18ct

Decorating For Christmas
Decorating For Christmas; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
; 14.8"w x 11.6"h; White Aida; 14ct

Decorating For Christmas
Decorating For Christmas; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
; 14.8"w x 11.6"h; White Evenweave; 27ct

Geometric Retro - Long Sti...
Geometric Retro - Long Stitch Cushion; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
Backing NOT included.; 16"w x 16"h; White Printed Canvas - 34 hole; 8.5ct

Checkered - Long Stitch Cu...
Checkered - Long Stitch Cushion; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
Backing NOT included.; 16"w x 16"h; White Printed Canvas - 34 hole; 8.5ct

Retro - Long Stitch Cushion
Retro - Long Stitch Cushion; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
Backing NOT included.; 16"w x 16"h; White Printed Canvas - 34 hole; 8.5ct

Diamonds-Long Stitch Cushion
Diamonds-Long Stitch Cushion; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
Backing NOT included.; 16"w x 16"h; White Printed Canvas - 34 hole; 8.5ct

Sea Animals - Birth Announ...
Sea Animals - Birth Announcement; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
Includes: alphabet.; 12.8"w x 11.2"h; Very Light Blue Aida; 14ct

Sea Animals - Growth Chart
Sea Animals - Growth Chart; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
Includes: alphabet.; 7.2"w x 28"h; Very Light Blue Aida; 14ct

Cat & Deer Bookmarks - Set...
Cat & Deer Bookmarks - Set of 2; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, needle and instructions.
Includes: ribbons.; 2.4"w x 8"h; White Aida; 14ct

Cat In The Night - Latch H...
Cat In The Night - Latch Hook Pillow; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, latch hook and instructions.
; 16"w x 16"h; Ecru - Hand Painted Lg. Hole Mono Canvas 52% Cotton, 48% polyester; 4.5ct

Tiger - Latch Hook Rug
Tiger - Latch Hook Rug; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, latch hook and instructions.
; 22"w x 32.4"h; Ecru - Hand Painted Lg. Hole Mono Canvas 52% Cotton, 48% polyester; 4.5ct

Mandala - Latch Hook Rug
Mandala - Latch Hook Rug; Vervaco; Fabric, yarn, latch hook and instructions.
Includes: binding tape for finishing.; 22"w x 22"h; Ecru - Hand Painted Lg. Hole Mono Canvas 52% Cotton, 48% polyester; 4.5ct

Picnic With Vera
Picnic With Vera; Lanarte; Fabric, threads, needles, and instructions.
; 19.6"w x 15.6"h; White Aida; 14ct

Picnic With Vera
Picnic With Vera; Lanarte; Fabric, threads, needles, and instructions.
; 19.6"w x 15.6"h; White Evenweave; 27ct

Everyone's Flower Encounter
Everyone's Flower Encounter; Lanarte; Fabric, threads, needles, and instructions.
; 14"w x 20"h; White Aida; 14ct